As usual, I am slightly behind the deadline in summarising my crafting outputs from last year. My resolution for 2015 was to finish more projects than I started. This was a resounding failure. At the end of the year, this is how the project lists looked:
Projects finished 2015
Sunshine waves blanket
Star caddy bag
Summer dress
Anna dress
Infinity dress
Christmas runner
Various doilies
Nephew and Niece Advent panels
UFOs - Unfinished objects
Lacy Scarf
Cross stitch train
Pink elephant
Minnie mouse bag.
Secret santa quilt
Party dress
Crochet doily project
Rainbow crochet
Baby and Big A vests
Tree quilt
Flower puff blanket
Nearly finished
Threadcatcher pincushion
NESYs - Not even started yet!
New cushion cover
2nd snake for upstairs
Covers for cubes
Colourwash with liberty lawns
Kaffe Fassett Stripy something
Kaffe Fassett Stripy something
Christmas bunting
Tree skirt
Picnic blanket with samples, including more NY beauty
More caddy bags
Caddy bag for scrap sorting.
More totes best friend
Amended totes best friend with tutorial
Crochet tank tops with tutorials
Tesselated pinwheel tutorial
Ispy quilt - possibly a picnic blanket with little huts.
Something for hallway with indigo batiks
Strawberry quilt
Anna summer dress
Baby james quilt
Bettine dress from jersey
Fauxby wrap